Sunday, January 31, 2010

Audrey Kawasaki

possibly my favorite artist other than Dave Mckean, her shading is so legit.

anyway ive been reading some of my old journal entries( i still prefer paper, it feels more permanent). i was a really sad girl and obsessed about my weight, i would have told my old self to chill but since i still think i'm fat...i won't. man, i'm listening to passion pit right now, they are so good. by itself any part of the music would make me cringe but altogether it's actually pretty good.

hahaha so the miss america pagaent totally lived up to its usual embarassing glory.
ex.-one of the contestant when naming her state said " the kellog state so eat your wheaties" when in reality wheaties are from general mills! hahahaha also some horrible tans and more horrible talents i swear that "scholarship competition" is going down the drain.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

dads are dumb

i stinkin love this picture
i have to say that my dad is an idiot and i'm not even kidding, he just walked by and told me i have to wait an hour to feed the dog because he's fat...WHAT! what difference does it make if i feed him now or in an hour? he's still getting the same amount of food. so tonights the miss america pageant, cant wait to watch a bunch of idiots strut around look stupid, my inner feminist is coming out not that it was really that hard to find, im pretty feministic or whatever

really want to go buy some jeans right now...random

Friday, January 29, 2010


Doesn't it suck to be 17, when your parents can still tell you it's time for bed? Speak of the devil, it's happening right now