Monday, February 22, 2010


I just found out i got into Kansas City Art Institute!!!!! now if i just get a bajillion dollars i scholarship and grant gah! heres a peice from my portfolio

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

stupid movies

well, the old mans at it again this time he's forced us all to watch John Adams every night of the week. let me just tell you that this movie seems to have no end (oh lookie a mans leg just got blown (hmmmmm and now he's getting the rest sawed off...did i mention that this movie was great) anyway it's been about 5 hours of movie. i long for the sweet blissful nothingness of American Idol, DANG YOU, EDUCATIONAL MOVIES, DANG YOU!!!! oooh look at that hottie!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

OOPS I FORGOT THE LINK hm should prolly turn off the caps

doodoos in the pants

haha i love handmade books i'm always looking them up on (btw i sell painted shoes on there) hmmm my prodigoul brother just came home after dissapearing for 3 days what a weirdo ooooh i can put a pic up this is my fave he's so cute JUST BE YOURSELF!