Sunday, April 4, 2010


awesome post

by neon gypsy:She liked feathers and raindrops and stars, and the way her mother said "dinner". She liked haunted houses and kittens and folk music and crafts. She liked boys who looked like girls and stores that smelled like perfume. She liked the way the sun rose hesitantly each morning, and the way the moon transformed.It was ironic, she always thought to herself as she stared, fascinated, at the numbers flicking by on the digital clock, how much she enjoyed sleeping, and the concept of it, and the way it felt and all, but how little she actually slept. She would make up excuses, that she was too busy, or talking to somebody, or...or....(they all were lies).

The secret was that she hated sleeping at night. She fell into a dreamlike state of life as the numbers climbed towards their peak, and fell back to start again. It was as though sleep was irrelevant, since she was already dreaming. And the next morning, her eyes heavy with regret and sadness, her body would reject the day, her mind would reject the nerves that dashed around, craving those refreshing hours. But at night she would sit at the glowing screen and type on, type faster, trying to evade the hours as they came, feeling satisfied and exhausted as the night wore on.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

love love love

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


best clothes i think

Monday, March 29, 2010


ODD NERDRUM!!!!! best artist ever!!!!!!!


i just love this picture its so gritty

Thursday, March 18, 2010


She had failed her math test. When she got home there was a note on the table that said her mom would be out until 7. Four hours of freedom. Wild freedom. She was a wild woman, leader of the pack, queen of the jungle. She lay down on the couch and howled, mumbled chants she remembered from somewhere, vague, dream-like words. She turned on the TV and blasted the volume so she could feel the floor shaking.

Then she got our her paints. She took off her jacket, took off her shirt. She shivered in the cold. Then she squirted some color on her hand and slathered it across her stomach. She painted birds on her arms. She smeared a rainbow on her cheek. She put dots on each vertebrae of her spine. She was alive, she was pulsating with light and rhythm and feeling. Society wanted to numb her with the injection of those red marks on her paper. Society wanted her to wallow in her shame until it consumed her, until it was her only motivation.

But she refused.
She knew the injection was nothing more than a sugar pill.
She knew it was all in her mind.
She knew that nothing could kill her soul unless she let it.

Monday, February 22, 2010


I just found out i got into Kansas City Art Institute!!!!! now if i just get a bajillion dollars i scholarship and grant gah! heres a peice from my portfolio

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

stupid movies

well, the old mans at it again this time he's forced us all to watch John Adams every night of the week. let me just tell you that this movie seems to have no end (oh lookie a mans leg just got blown (hmmmmm and now he's getting the rest sawed off...did i mention that this movie was great) anyway it's been about 5 hours of movie. i long for the sweet blissful nothingness of American Idol, DANG YOU, EDUCATIONAL MOVIES, DANG YOU!!!! oooh look at that hottie!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

OOPS I FORGOT THE LINK hm should prolly turn off the caps

doodoos in the pants

haha i love handmade books i'm always looking them up on (btw i sell painted shoes on there) hmmm my prodigoul brother just came home after dissapearing for 3 days what a weirdo ooooh i can put a pic up this is my fave he's so cute JUST BE YOURSELF!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Audrey Kawasaki

possibly my favorite artist other than Dave Mckean, her shading is so legit.

anyway ive been reading some of my old journal entries( i still prefer paper, it feels more permanent). i was a really sad girl and obsessed about my weight, i would have told my old self to chill but since i still think i'm fat...i won't. man, i'm listening to passion pit right now, they are so good. by itself any part of the music would make me cringe but altogether it's actually pretty good.

hahaha so the miss america pagaent totally lived up to its usual embarassing glory.
ex.-one of the contestant when naming her state said " the kellog state so eat your wheaties" when in reality wheaties are from general mills! hahahaha also some horrible tans and more horrible talents i swear that "scholarship competition" is going down the drain.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

dads are dumb

i stinkin love this picture
i have to say that my dad is an idiot and i'm not even kidding, he just walked by and told me i have to wait an hour to feed the dog because he's fat...WHAT! what difference does it make if i feed him now or in an hour? he's still getting the same amount of food. so tonights the miss america pageant, cant wait to watch a bunch of idiots strut around look stupid, my inner feminist is coming out not that it was really that hard to find, im pretty feministic or whatever

really want to go buy some jeans right now...random

Friday, January 29, 2010


Doesn't it suck to be 17, when your parents can still tell you it's time for bed? Speak of the devil, it's happening right now